“Don’t Believe Your Own Press”

This is another great lesson I learned from a dear mentor figure. As I began to show signs of gifting and calling as a younger leader, I remember hearing these valuable words that have stuck with me to this very day: “Don’t believe your own press.” I wasn’t sure what that meant at the time but as a younger kid, I was sometimes in the newspaper for playing sports. These articles often highlighted good games, etc., and it was real easy to believe what I would read. On the other hand, I certainly understand what it’s like to have bad press as well. Just as a reminder, I did enter into the PA Adult & Teen Challenge program due to my addiction, which also led to other poor decisions in life that led to “bad press.” With that said, I believe my point still has legs to stand on. When I “believe my own press” I tend to think about myself more than I should and this many times can lead to an attitude of entitlement. This is an obvious poison for a leader (especially a young leader) and it is amplified because this type of situation often times leads to isolation. When isolation sets in, the leader will have a tendency to separate themselves from more seasoned leaders and accountability for decision making. This once again comes back to displaying humility and being teachable even in difficult times and situations. A willingness to embrace this line of thinking also exudes confidence which ultimately helps a leader to not focus solely on themselves and display empathy in decision-making.

One thought on ““Don’t Believe Your Own Press”

  1. I definitely took some hard lessons on this subject. What I’ve learned is the gift isn’t mine it was given to me so the praise goes the giver not the one who received it. Great job as leaders are to inspire others to think and this article did that. Thank you for being such a great example of our gift giving saviour.


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